Learn to express yourself in service to the greatest good of humanity.
This School of Service training is a powerful path to bringing higher-consciousness universal values into virtuous existence, paving the way for more effective service-oriented living.
The 6 pillars to be practiced simultaneously are easy P.E.A.C.I.E.!:
Universal language is communication that fosters the greatest good. Its goal is to be compassionately understood and openly received by as many people as possible in a conversation.
However, universal language must be learned. Our natural tendency is to communicate within the comfort of our own tribe—for inclusion, for protection. Yet, true connection requires conscious effort.
Universal language is not a specific vernacular or the language of any one race or culture. Rather, it is a way of speaking and listening that aligns with the highest universal values, as practiced in the
Art of Universal Language (AoUL).
One key technique is avoiding jargon, which can create barriers, not bridges. Instead, remain curious, ask questions, and seek to understand rather than assume.
When we develop the ability to adapt to our audience and reach them, our words become a bridge.
Universal language, then, is not just a skill but a transformative practice—one that opens minds, deepens understanding, and drives meaningful progress.
Want to know more?
Ultimately, the peace-that-passes-understanding is the aim of higher consciousness communication.
How perfect that the 6 pillars make it easy P.E.A.C.I.E.!
Intention setting is seen through a two-fold lens. Incorporating group intention setting as two or more are gathered, and also while you are alone with your Creator/Higher Power/Inner Divine, can significantly enhance your service-inspired life of purpose, team dynamics, communication, and overall performance, ultimately leading to greater success and fulfillment for both individuals and the whole of humanity and cosmic reality.
After the prep season of intention setting, live there in full presence!
This pillar of the Art of Universal Language is all about remaining centered in constant conscious contact with the creative force, in tandem with its insights and leadings.
As soon as you notice misalignment, prepare yourself again by resetting your intention.
Remaining centered and being present augments cosmic insight and spiritual discernment, expanding awareness of the audience, an essential tool in communication.
Awareness of the audience can help to clarify for you their:
The first three pillars of the Art of Universal Language are the inner foundations. The final three are the outer expressions. This fourth pillar, Consciousness of Universal Values, is the center of exploring the expression of unifying communication.
Living with higher levels of consciousness around expressing universal values is the crux of the Art of Universal Language, the School of Service, and the emerging social transformation community networks.
This is an invitation to assess aspects of living in authentic integrity, honest acceptance, and respectful tact, bearing more fruits of the divine spirit.
Inquiry is the foundation of understanding, and understanding leads to love! We’ve touched on the importance of asking questions in previous modules, like seeking inner guidance. This module, however, is dedicated entirely to the art of inquiry.
Curiosity is the spiritual value at the core of inquiry. By leading conversations with questions, we invite collaboration and open ourselves to new perspectives. Inquiry fosters deeper listening, reflection, and co-creation of meaning, encouraging an environment where people feel heard and valued.
Language exchange is not just about the words we choose.
It is a holistic process that involves transmuting these important elements, expressing clear and resonant communication:
The way we convey our inner world — our emotions, values, and intentions — goes far beyond vocabulary.
True connection happens when we attune ourselves to the energy of what we are sharing and how it is being received. By aligning our inner and outer expressions, we create space for understanding, connection, and growth.
Check out this great video!